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Diego's Studio Rig

Here's a list of some of the tools used by Diego in his studio, The Bunker.

MIDI Controllers

Arturia Keylab 88

Seaboard RISE 49

CME Xkey Air 37



Ableton Push 1


Analog Synthesizers

Arturia PolyBrute

Arturia MatrixBrute

Behringer DeepMind12

Behringer TD-3

Korg Sigma KP-30 (1979)

Korg M-500 SP (1977)

Acetone TOP-6 (1968)


Digital Synthesizers

Yamaha DX7 mkII

Yamaha Tx81Z

Roland Integra 7

Arturia MicroFreak

Artutria MiniFreak

Korg N1

Novation MiniNova

Kawai K1

Hardware Sequencers

Arturia BeatStep Pro 

Arturia KeyStep Pro   

ZAQ Audio Zaquencer

Yamaha QX3

Tape Machines

Tascam MSR-16

Tascam BR-20 (x2)

Drum Machines/Sampler

Akai MPC Live

Korg Electribe MX

Arturia DrumBrute

Boss DR550

Akai DrumWolf

FX Units

Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II XL

TC Electronic G Major

Eventide H9 Max

Korg Kaoss Pad 3

Yamaha SPX900

Behringer FX-2000

Ibanez DD200


Stomp Boxes

EHX Canyon

EHX Grand Canyon

EHX Operation Overlord

EHX Lester-K

EHX Small Stone

EHX Big Muff Pi

Ibanez Tube Screamer

Ibanez  AW7

Boss NS-2

Boss Metal Zone MT-2

TC Electronic Impulse

Alesis Philtre


Compressors and Outboard Preamps

PreSonus Studio Channel

Behringer Tube Ultra Gain

Urei Electronics 7110 (x2)

Aphex Aural Exciter Type C

BBE 822a Sonic Maximizer


Alesis 3830


A/D/A Converters and Interface

Midas M32C

Midas DL32


Software and DAW

Logic Pro X

Ableton Live



Audio Modeling

Native Instruments



© 2024 Diego Tejeida

sound designer, progressive metal keyboardist, producer, Haken, Devin Townsend, Mike Portnoy, prog metal, keyboard player, prog rock, Arturia

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